Training & Certification
We offer customized on site, on line (virtual) training as well as training on a regular basis at one of our training partner locations. Please contact us for all your custom and on-site training needs. We offer training & certification in the following topics.
Lean, Six Sigma, and Lean Six Sigma
Introduction & Overview (e.g. Lean 101, LSS 101, 6 Sigma 101) (1-4 hours)
Lean & 6 Sigma Re-Certification Training (8 hrs)
White Belt Certification Training (4-8 hrs)
Yellow Belt Certification Training (8-40 hrs)
Green Belt Certification Training (40-80 hrs)
Black Belt Certification Training (80-160 hrs)
ISO overview (2-4 hrs)
ISO key topics (e.g. RCA, PEAR's, etc) (4-16 hrs)
Internal auditor​ (4-24 hrs)
Quality Concepts (customizable)
Root Cause Analysis - Corrective Action & tools
Problem identification & solving (e.g. FMEA, DOE, etc)
Minitab statistical analysis overview​
We offer certification training several times a year, typically quarterly - contact us for more info!
Currently Available Training Events
Lean 101/White Belt Certification Training

You'll achieve White Belt certification by obtaining an introduction to a dozen of the primary concepts of Lean and Six Sigma. Obtain the history, principles, primary tools, examples and play some of our hands-on exercises and simulations to learn things better with more fun!
What: Lean6SigmaWhiteBeltAll
When: Dec 6, 2023 (Tuesday), 9:00am-Noon
Where: ONLINE (3 hours)
Cost: $500 per person ($400pp if multiple from same company)


Lean Yellow Belt Certification Training

You'll achieve Yellow Belt certification by obtaining everything from White Belt training plus more in depth into approx. 25 Lean and Six Sigma concepts and tools, examples and play some of our hands-on exercises and simulations to learn things better with more fun! You're required to complete a small project for your company to attain certification.
What: Lean6SigmaYellowBeltAll
When: Dec 7, 2023 (Wednesday), 8am-5pm (20m lunch, (4) 10min breaks), (5) 30min coaching sessions every other Wednesday
Where: ONLINE (8 hours)
Cost: $1250 per person ($1100pp if multiple from same company)


Lean Green Belt Certification Training
Lean Black Belt Certification Training

You'll achieve Green Belt certification by obtaining everything from Yellow Belt training plus more in depth into the 100+ Lean and Six Sigma concepts and tools, examples and play some of our hands-on exercises and simulations to learn things better with more fun! You're required to complete a mid-size project for your company to attain certification.
You'll achieve Black Belt certification by obtaining everything from Green Belt training plus more in-depth hands-on training into the 100+ Lean and Six Sigma concepts and tools, examples and play some of our hands-on exercises and simulations to learn things better with more fun! You're required to complete a mid-size project for your company to attain certification.
What: Lean6SigmaGreenBeltAll
When: Dec 13,14,15, 2023 (Tue,Wed,Thu), 8am-5pm (20m lunch, (4) 10min breaks), (5) 60min coaching sessions every other Wednesday
Cost: $3000 per person ($2750pp if multiple from same company)


What: Lean6SigmaBlackBeltAll
When: Every Wednesday for 8 weeks starting Dec 21, 2023, 8am-5pm (20m lunch, (4) 10min breaks), (6) 60min coaching sessions every other Wednesday starting Feb 12
Cost: $4800 per person ($4500pp if multiple from same company)


Lean Mfg Green Belt
Re-Certification Training

It's been more than 2 years, and you need a refresher and get up to date - whether you've been blazing your Lean journey or not. We'll cover relevant topics, test your knowledge, and challenge you on your Lean journey. Price also includes (5) 30min coaching sessions to renew & revamp your project skills!
What: LeanMfgRe-Cert
When: Dec 1, 2023 (Wednesday), 8:00am-5pm
Where: ONLINE (8 hours)
Cost: $1000 per person ($800pp if multiple from same company)


Lean Healthcare Green Belt
Re-Certification Training

It's been more than 2 years, and you need a refresher and get up to date - whether you've been blazing your Lean journey or not. We'll cover relevant topics, test your knowledge, and challenge you on your Lean journey. Price also includes (5) 30min coaching sessions to renew & revamp your project skills!
What: LeanHCRe-Cert
When: Dec 2, 2020 (Thursday), 8:00am-5pm
Where: ONLINE (8 hours)
Cost: $1000 per person ($800pp if multiple from same company)


6 Sigma Green Belt
Re-Certification Training

It's been more than 2 years, and you need a refresher and get up to date - whether you've been blazing your 6 Sigma journey or not. We'll cover relevant topics, test your knowledge, and challenge you on your Lean journey. Price also includes (5) 30min coaching sessions to renew & revamp your project skills!
What: 6SigmaRe-Cert
When: Dec 3, 2020 (Friday), 8:00am-5pm
Where: ONLINE (8 hours)
Cost: $1000 per person ($800pp if multiple from same company)

ISO Internal Auditor
Certification Training

ISO topics & glossary refresher
Interpret QMS for your area
Role-Play in your work area
Conduct a PRE-audit, AUDIT & POST-audit in your area
Conduct audit de-briefs
Create action plans
Conduct next-steps planning
What: ISOInternalAudit
When: When you want - It's at your site. 4 hours per work area.
Hour 1 - ISO Training
Hour 2-3 - Audit Training
Hour 4 - Actions & Next steps Where: ON SITE! We will abide by your Corona Virus Safety Guidelines
Cost: $400 per person ($300pp if multiple from same company)
