Lean Airplane was Invented & launched in 2004
"This is such a FUN training game that made learning so FUN....the demanding boss, spelling bee's, nickname calling and allowing bad planes to be sold"
Key Product Features:
Optimal use: Conduct unlimited # of simulations with this kit; teach basic to advanced Lean principles; great for any industry
Class size: 6 to 25 students (optimal size = 10-14)
*you can run two simultaneous simulations side by side in the same room with this kit
Lessons: Lean 101, 201, 301 & 401
*you can teach TPM, OEE, Little's law, Operational definition, Setup reduction, SMED, Materials Management, VSM, and so many more common and uncommon Lean Six Sigma topics
# of simulations: unlimited
*To make your training easier & better, we have a consumable kit (see below) that contains extra colored paper, half dead batteries (to teach TPM & SMED), an extra paper airplane throwing machine (for two factories/processes & teaching TPM/SMED), half glued post-its, and more.
Setup time: 25min
*Arranging room = 5min; Arranging roles = 5min; Describing simulation = 5min; Teaching roles = 10min
Run time:
Quick: 45min (current and future state)
Comfortable: 2 to 4 hours (current, future, improved state)
Maximum: 8+ hours (some customers use this kit across multiple days of training and inside their Lean Six Sigma Yellow, Green, Black and Master Black belt training programs)
Key Product Contents:
Lean simulation training roles for every participant
Place cards and room layout to denote your business process flow roles and material locations
*Because this kit fits ANY business process, our
training instructions outline HOW your business
process should flow and how to arrange the roles!​
Comprehensive trainer instructions to get you started immediately and confidently. You can 100% customize this kit to fit your training program so just buy it and mold it to your style, outline, deliverables, etc.
An indestructible Lean airplane prototype
A paper plane flying machine (with batteries)
​ *If your business isn't manufacturing, change the plane
flying to paper invoice mailing, bank loan mailing,
underwriting paperwork mailing, quality paperwork
sending, BOL/packing slip sending, etc, etc.
(4) poka-yoke/mistake proofing tools
Stopwatch and on-line stopwatch for your assigned Quality participant to measure TRADITIONAL and LEAN operational metrics (Lead Time, Profit, Queue Time, Inventory Turnaround Time, Takt Time, Cycle Time, Rework and Poor quality incidences)
Score Board to display the BEFORE and AFTER results in revenue, costs, quality and WASTE!
Blank Certificates of Completion that you can customize with your team photo or logo
WASTE worksheets for Defects, Bad timing, Over-processing & Waiting
Professional briefcase for easy transportation, organization and multiple use
Professional portfolio to organize your worksheets, instructions and certificates individually and neatly
*We have never had a kit returned for any reason!

*Kit does not include white paper, you supply it
Item #: LASK (Lean Airplane™)
Price: $792.00

Wanna train more and play more?
Buy a consumable kit today!

Typical Consumption: 1 kit every 1 to 2 years OR same time as simulation kit purchase
# of simulations: 5 to 10 (color paper dependent)
Lean Airplane™ Consumable Kit includes the following items:
1 paper airplane thrower
2 half dead AA batteries (for TPM, SMED)
1 ream of bright colored paper (5 colors)
100 partial sticky post it's (4 packs)
Any updated electronic files (worksheets, instructions)

Item #: LACK (Lean Airplane™ Consumable Kit)
Price: $67.30
​Wanna make a consumable item custom order?
We have made custom orders for many customers for:
Multiple kits with custom logo's on paperwork and luggage tags
Additional poka-yoke/mistake proofing tools
Misc. order (you can choose all combinations of what extra items you need)
Just call or email us, or click the "contact us" above and let us know what you want. Make sure you specify your product (Lean Airplane, Vision Map, Lean Setup, etc).
​Need us to facilitate your training? No problem!
We offer our $1000 full day low cost rate with any simulation kit purchase.
Buy one of our kits
We'll help customize the simulation into your Lean Six Sigma training program curriculum
We'll demonstrate the simulation and kit to you and your team
We'll run the simulation for you or co-facilitate it if you want to learn​
We'll teach Lean principles for your program
Pay for our standard business expenses to come to your location (anywhere around the globe)
Just call or email us, or click the "contact us" above and let us know what you want. Make sure you specify our product you're buying (Lean Airplane, Vision Map, Lean Setup, etc).